Vorticism: An Introduction

The artwork contained here represent examples of a modern version of Vorticism. Pittsburgh opens itself up to this art movement in a natural way: it’s neighborhoods, old buildings, and ethnic communities suggest particular images to the imagination enhanced by multiple images giving the impression of double exposures, exaggerated perspectives, odd plains of sight, and skewed dimensions. The mood is often dim and hazy but sometimes bright light is depicted reflecting off the smoky windows of the city buildings adding a sense of otherness. For the streetscapes, buildings are often reflected off empty wet streets after everyone has left for home at the end of the day.

What are some of the main tenets of the vorticism art movement?

1. Celebrate the modern industrial world and modern technology.

2. Embrace abstraction and dynamism, while rejecting traditionalism and realism.

3. Use bright, bold colors and geometric forms to represent energy and motion.

4. Create works of art that are focused on the idea of the vortex, or the dynamic whirling motion of life.

5. Emphasize the importance of the artist’s individual style and perspective.

6. Use technology to create art, such as photography and film.

7. Create art with a sense of urgency and immediacy.

8. Reject the idea of traditional beauty in favor of creating a new, modern aesthetic.

Neo-Vorticism is based on the Vorticism of 1914 which borrowed from the cubist movement. It didn’t last very long but its influence was felt in futurism and other modern movements. Vorticism was influenced by the advance of technology and the approach of the modern era. Many years of technological advancement have brought us into a new era where the physical paint brush is replaced by a vastly more complex and versatile digital paint brush. They still remain paint brushes in terms of being tools for the placement of color controlled by the artist. The method of application, however, is vastly different. This difference is what separates Neo-Vorticism from the Vorticism of a century ago. Nowadays, with modern technology, we are able to explore vorticism art in a much more interactive and in-depth way. We are able to create digital reproductions that are more faithful to the original artworks, and even create digital animations that bring vorticism art to life. Additionally, we are able to use modern media to share the art more widely and easily, allowing us to reach a larger audience and spread awareness of the movement.

What might some of the differences be in using modern digital rather than physical forms? In terms of the actual creation of artwork, technology has enabled us to explore more sophisticated techniques, such as 3D printing and digital manipulation. These tools can be used to create more complex and intricate vorticist works, and can allow for more experimentation with the style. Additionally, modern materials and techniques allow for a greater range of textures, colors, and effects that can be incorporated into the artwork.
